GSL Brushless Vacuum Loader

Standalone loader that comes with a robust brushless motor.

  • Double pivot access
  • Brushless vacuum motor for long-life and reduced maintenance
  • SureSeal flapper valve avoids loading failures

GSL Loader Operation

Double Pivot Access 

  • Loader operates in upright position – captive detent locks the loader in place during operation.
  • For easy access, loader pivots forward from operating position.
  • Lid tilts back and locks in place for easy access.
  • Fast cleaning to filter and interior of loader.

Full-Feature Controls

  • Easy setup and control with remote pendant access.
  • Magnetic backed control pendant mounts on hopper and other metal surfaces convenient to the operator.
  • Full feature control includes load time, no-load alarm, alarm light and silencer, as well as proportioning and purging.

Upright Operating Position

  • Modular construction for easy installation – suit individual requirements.
  • Adjustable inlet position for convenient installation.