Sweeper – Unloading System

Reduces manual intervention with smart unloading for gaylords & octobins.

  • Material unloading specifically for gaylords & octobins
  • Fully automatic and extremely efficient system
  • Reduce labor and reduce material wastage

How Does it Work

The Sweeper is designed to empty a gaylord or octobin with zero operator intervention during unloading, leaving minimal material by the end of the unloading process.

The Sweeper runs consistently by these 4 key components: 

1. The Sweeper assembly is lowered onto the top of the pile of material in a new gaylord or octobin. When the vacuum of the conveying system starts, it enables a vacuum switch on the Sweeper to begin to rotate on top of the material pile. 3. The sweeper probe, connected to the J tube, uses a flexible hose to constantly sweep the material from the edges of the container. The flattening plate ensures material is evenly spread to the edges of the container.
2. As the Sweeper assembly rotates 360° a brush on the opposite side to the material probe conveys the material pile flat to ensure a consistent, constant rotation of the probe on the surface of the material.
4. Material is vacuumed into the probe, maintaining a high level of air to material mix for smooth conveying, feeding material up the conveying line, connected to the loading system calling for material. When vacuum stops, the sweeper assembly stops, and waits for the next conveying cycle to begin.
Steve Maguire Explains How a Sweeper Works: